<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dearest listmates

I have been following posts about being more positive and those that say
you can't be on a GF diet. Well, frankly only a few weeks ago I probably
would have agreed with the latter.

For the first time in my entire 23 years (or so it seems) I feel
alive!!!!!!.  Just so a few more with extra challenges can identify too,
here is my case history. I have CD, lactose intolerance, thyroid, liver
and pancreas problems. I believe all interrelated. With all these things
I have felt alone, extremely depressed and frustrated, and of course
tired all the time. All this got worse after doing a gluten challenge
earlier this year. And I have lost friends who found it all too
difficult to handle, but for me I am obviously better off without them,
I still have a very supportive family. Sound familiar.

OK, what I really want to say is that we are all pioneers. CD is still
relatively unheard of, even most doctors don't have a clue. Doctors
unfortunately are only human and don't know everything about every
little human ailment, it has taken time for me to except this.

Statistics are proving that CD may occur as much as 1 in 80 people!! As
most of us already know, it is not rare, just rarely tested. Society as
a whole is way behind with dealing with this. We are the educators, just
today I got Woolworth's (NZ) to consider ordering GF Deli meats. I miss
my bacon and ham.

Anyway, why this turn around?? Like most people I finally got a list of
commercial GF and dairy free products in NZ. This is now my bible. I am
endeavouring  to be totally GF, LF and low fat (for my liver). I also
have a very experienced naturopath helping with everything, needless to
say my faith and bank balance doesn't extend to doctors.

It has taken time, it seems forever, but I am very pleased to say the
time has arrived. I am sure I will have the odd accident, as I have
already had with a supposedly safe product. I now avoid that one, and
have written to the company. This will happen again no matter how
diligent I am but each time I will listen to my body. Since I have a
fairly regular diet this is easy to do and I introduce new foods one at
a time so I can tell. My selection is increasing every week!

I ask at supermarkets for products I want and they don't have ensuring
to tell them why, most are helpful enough to try. Some even know me by
sight now and tell me straight off whether they have been able to get
them or are still trying. Further, like many I am on a very restricted
income, so the only things I really buy is GF cereal and bread and maybe
a little something for sandwiches. Food wise everything else is meat and
veges, apart from topping up on the sauces and spices. I also shop
around for everything, and top up on things if I have extra money that
week. YES I usually spend most of my money on food, and have to save for
anything else even a haircut!! But for me the right food means good
health and a life. Something I have only come to realized. I am really
excited about what lays ahead now and feel I no longer have to put plans
on hold.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to be
determined enough to find the light switch. And don't cheat, as tempting
as it is, just remember how bad you will feel afterwards. My gluten
challenge cured me from ever cheating again. The only good thing to come
out of it!!

Remember, listen to your body and will tell you whether the food agrees
with you or not (well, in most cases).

Good luck to everybody, my thoughts are with you all. And after a while
food is not the be all and end all, just some thing you have to eat to

New Plymouth
New Zealand