<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Thanks to everyone who replied to my question about what my doctor
should be doing for my 3-year-old celiac daughter's annual check-up.

I was advised to ask a good pediatrician and one person suggested Dr.
Alessio Fasano at the Center for Celiac Research. Their website is
celiaccenter.org. I plan to do this when I have time.

One person specifically recommended that I make sure she get tested for
anemia and vitamin B12.

Another mentioned that her kid gets bloodwork twice a year rather than

One woman was upset that I would put my child through this if she seems

I will religiously put my daughter through this every year because I
have been told by my pediatric gastroenterologist that as a celiac she
stands a higher chance of developing diabetes and thyroid disease.
Checking her annually will ensure she has no serious problems if these
diseases develop.

The annual bloodwork also makes sure she is not anemic, which she was
before diagnosis, and that her vitamin absorption is OK.

I do not plan to do another biopsy on her as I see no reason to put her
through that as long as the bloodwork is OK.

Just for your information: My doctor has ordered a complete blood count,
a thyroid stimulating hormone test, folic acid, some iron and some
glucose tests.

Thanks again everyone for all your input.

Kate Johnson, Montreal