<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everyone.  Thanks to the dozens of responses.

The results are mixed on Nutty Rice Cereal.  Some
people eat it with no problems, some people have
problems and no longer eat it.  The company reports
cross contamination concerns.  I'll likely look to
other cereals.

Bobbi sent an email that sums it up well:

Hi, Craig,

I checked the archives, because I remember this has
been questioned before. Many people report no problems
with Nutty Rice, but Pacific Grains reportedly runs it
on the same production lines as their Nutty Wheat and
Nutty Barley cereals, and will not guarantee its GF
status. The last reported phone contact with the
company was June 1999. Other posts in March and April
warned that it may have cross-contamination due to the
production situation.

It is yummy. I once tried it myself (based on the listed
ingredients), and had no trouble with it, but got
nervous and gave away the box when the posts started
about it. But some people have posted it as a favorite
for travel, etc., even including it in recipes. I
guess this is one of those judgement calls when we're
each on our own, based on our personal "gut"

Good luck and good health!
Bobbi in Baltimore

Craig Peters
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