I hope someone can help me in reference to a problem with Memory upgrading
on my PC.

I own a Pentium 200MHz, MMX PC whose motherboard accepts SIMMs and DIMMs as
RAM memory combined.

From the factory, it came with two SIMMs for a total of 32 MB in RAM. Then,
I added one 32 MB SDRAM DIMM strip, getting 64MB of RAM. The computer has
been working with no problems since then.

Willing to get more speed, I bought one 64MB 8x64 3.3V SDRAM DIMM 66MHZ to
a friend. After adding this memory, I got only 80MB total RAM. That means
from the 64MB available, only 16MB were recognized. Even with the added
memory, the speed was not as good as before with only the first 64MB.

I experienced this situation before, when I added one 32MB SDRAM DIMM
100MHz and only 8MB were recognized by the computer. I wonder why if you
install a 100MHz DIMM on a computer that runs at a lower data transfer of
66MHz it will not work.

Is there a way to make the motherboard recognize the 64MB to finally get
the ever dreamed 128MB?

I will appreciate any help.

Carlos Camacho

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