I have run into this problem before as well.  What has fixed it for me was
to go into the network settings, go into the properties for "File and
Printer Sharing For Microsoft Networks", and under "Browse Master" set one
computer to "Enabled" and all other computers to "Disabled".

It is my understanding that if you have an NT server, and it is running
before any other systems try to log on to the network, it automatically sets
itself up as the Browse Master and will not allow any other machine to do
so.  However, in a peer-to-peer network running either Windows 95 or Windows
98, they try to wrestle each other for the honor, and you have trouble with
seeing the other systems.

Others with experience can confirm/correct me on this, but this is what I
understand is the issue.  Good luck.


>From: Mendoza del Pino Cesar Daniel <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: [PCBUILD] Home Network
>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 00:10:33 -0500
>Hi people.
>My *brand new, just installed* home network is as follows:
>|----------|-------UTP5--------10 Card--*My Computer*
>|\\8 Port\\|
>|10/100 Hub|-------UTP5-------100 Card--Computer1--10 Card--Computer2
>|----------|-------UTP5-------100 Card--Computer3
>(all computers running Windows 98)
>Currently we are having some problems with the net browsing.
>Although all computers are on the same workgroup, it takes many minutes for
>me to see a computer (if I am lucky, because sometimes I don't see anything
>but my own computer).
>The hub lights report all 3 computers are present and have different speeds
>(2 with 100 and 1 with 10).
>Is the speed the problem (I mean the mix of speeds)?
>Do I have to buy a 100 Card for my computer?
>Will I see Computer2? (look the graphic)

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