> > Bringing a lunchbox to work with veggies and fish or meat is no problem
>but I have a yearning for bread and cookies.  On a few occasions I just
>took some even.
> > Immediately after eating bread and sugarcontaining cookies I got cold,
>shivering and nearly fell asleep behind my desk.  Carbs do have that effect
>on me but it is hard to say no at the moment.
>Try eating more fat, preferably olive oil and nuts. Sardines (packed in
>olive oil if you can get that variety) are also a convenient snack. It just
>sounds like you need more calories.

Possibly -- but not necessarily. As a long-term junk food addict, I have
been able to easily give up dairy and grains, but the sugar cravings are
TOUGH. And yes, I have added a lot of fat to my diet; I cook up everything
with suet and eat all the fat on meat. Sugar cravings are profoundly
affected by old behaviors, by emotions (such as boredom) -- in other words,
they don't necessarily result from fat/vitamin/mineral deficiencies (at
least, not in MY experience). Often I eat junk food without really craving
it, just as a habit that refuses to die.

However, an interesting thing has been happening lately. After several weeks
on the diet, I'm finding that my tolerance for sugar is decreasing -- I've
been gagging lately when I cheat. Which, I suppose, is just as well (may
help me get off the stuff sooner!).


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