On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:19:14 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Sal Cuccio wrote:
>> I wish I could eat like you but my cholesterol goes up on a
>> high SF diet which is mostly commercial meats, but I've never been a strict
>> PALEO either. I came to this WOE via Atkins and then the ZONE. However the
>> other components of my LIPID profile are greatly improved when I increase
>> fat of any kind the only negative is the LDL which only seems to be affected
>> by eating more fish. I was very interested in Todd Moodys' cholesterol saga
>> whic I read in the archives. It seems his experience is very similar to my own.
>I think this pattern is not rare, but is not the norm either.  I
>have a colleague whose LDL cholesterol also closely tracks the
>saturated fat in his diet.  For most people, it seems that
>dietary changes cause only modest changes in LDL cholesterol, in
>either direction.
>The low-carb dogma is that insulin is what causes LDL to rise,
>and so a low-carb diet should cause it to fall by reducing
>insulin levels.  I don't doubt that this is part of the story,
>and in fact many people have spectacular drops in LDL when they
>go on low-carb diets, paleo or not.
>Some things to consider are the facts that carbs are not the only
>thing that affects insulin.  There are non-dietary factors such
>as exercise and stress.  Protein also plays a role.
>The larger riddle is whether we should be concerned about these
>LDL levels or not.  I don't feel that I have an answer to that
>question yet that I feel entirely comfortable with.
>Todd Moody
>[log in to unmask]


I don't have the answer either but more evidence keeps pointing away from
cholesterol and towards other things like Homosystene and inflamatory affects of
increased so called bad eicosainoids.

One thing is for sure I was alot sicker from other things like anxiety &
depression while eating from the feed lot pyramid. When I look around me and see
how many obese and sickly people there are walking around eating SAD or
pencil thin pale as a ghost Vegetarians, I know that the choices we make are far
superior and are closest to what are bodies were designed for by God & nature. I
may not live any longer because of these choices but I'm certainly living much
