Mr M.B.Krubally

A form of ID is not and does not necessarily mean an ID card.
I think you are getting the issues confused here. Here in the UK, there is no such thing as ID cards. A birth certifacte, a passport, a driver's licence, a National Insurance Card are enough proof of ID. The other point is that a nation that charges it's newly borned babies fee for an ID,(in this case a bith certificate)needs their "heads checked".

The majority of Gambians are unemployed and as such to charge them D25 for an ID card is daylight robbery.D25 might be a small change to you and me, and maybe many others, but I can assure that,this is not the case with most of brethren back home.

Am sure Jammeh and his cronies can afford to provide free ID cards to the Gambian population,considering that he chartered an aeroplane to take him and his cronies to his wedding in Morrocco. I am sure that fee will be enough to provide our poor people with free ID cards.

Jammeh and his government need to get their priorities right. Instead of spending millions on the army, who I may add need to be lectured on their responsibilities to their nation and it's people,they( Jammeh and his bandits) should be putting that fund into better use, like providing free Birth certificates and ID cards to the Gambian people. The Gambian people deserve atleast that.

The other point of the matter is:. How can the carriage of an ID card by any one deter them from committing crimes, if this the point you are maknig? I find this very absurd indeed.

This is just my humble & personal opinion, I am in no way bullshitting yours. All I can say is that I will agree to disagree with you on this issue.

All the best to us all
Mr Manneh

>Although your idea of issuing free ID card will be welcomed by a lot of
>citizens, but how will the government cover that cost. How can a country that
>cannot offer it's citizens with birth certificates issue free ID cards? I
>think the D25.00 fee is very reasonable, and every Gambia should carry one
>wherever they go. I don't know of any country that offers free ID cards
>(excuse me if I am wrong).
>If I am right, it's a law in every country for residents to carry ID card
>with wherever they go. If stopped, or even collecting a valuable anywhere,
>the fist thing required is an ID card from the receiver.
>I do not condone any form harassment, but the ID card enforcement is to the
>benefit of our Country.
>Tony loum have a safe trip. Seattle will miss you. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU


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