I'm new to this list.  I have Cerebral Palsy.  I use an electric wheelchair.
  Currenttly, I'm in my mid-20's and going to college taking my general

I was wondering if there was anyone who would be willing to openly discuss
intimate relationships they have had.  Right now, I'm living on campus with
my girlfriend who use to be my paid PCA, but now more involved.  Since I'm
in a chair I was able to get a dorm room with just a PCA.  They have married
dorm rooms too.  Although she still is my PCA as she helpd me transfer from
my chair, shower, dress.  I feel kind of useless sometimes when it seems
like she does everything.  I got a waterbed a few years back so I could do
more (ie: get dress by dress providing me with an easier way to roll over,
etc) but she does most of it now.

A few years ago I was in another relationship with someone else with CP. We
both were able to transfer slowly and helped each other.  It was more of  a
mutual relationship.  We were also willing to try different positions so we
both could enjoy intimacy.  Now it seems like my PCA/girlfriend is not
willing to try new positions to allow me to do more -- she wants control --
to lead. Although she is willinhg to try different places.

I was just wondering what others think or have expereienced.  I know this
topic probably is suited for everyone so if you want, e-mail separately.


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