<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This list is so great!  Ask & you shall receive is certainly true
here!  I got lots of good (specific) information which is what I
wanted.  It follows:

Vance sent this one from the Canadian Celiac Association:
I have Celiac Disease - a medical condition in which the small
intestine gets damaged when I eat foods containing gluten. I must
treat my condition by strictly adhering to a gluten free diet. I must
not eat any foods made with wheat, rye, triticale, barley or oats. All
of these grains contain gluten.

Even a small amount of these foods will make me ill.

Pat & Elizabeth sent that one & added:
Food to avoid: Wheat, rye, barley, quinoa, oat and spelt flour.
Bread, rolls, cakes,  pies, cookies and muffins.  Noodles and pasta.
Soups, sauces and gravies made with wheat flour.  Crackers, cracker
crumbs, bread crumbs, batter, graham crackers and graham cracker

Hidden sources of gluten:  Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP),
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP), wheat starch, modified starch (unless
specified as corn or rice), malt, and malt flavouring.  Any of the
above ingredients can be found in such foods as bouillon cubes, soup
or gravy bases, sliced or processed meats, spices and seasonings, soy
sauces and salad dressings.

Safe Choices: Fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetable, eggs, and cheese.
Fresh herbs and spices. Rice, corn, soy and potato products.
Pat sent this one from the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America:

"It is IMPERATIVE that persons with this hereditary disorder avoid
eating:  WHEAT, RYE, OATS, BARLEY and all derivatives of these grains
to avoid intestinal damage.  Other sources include:  flours,
thickeners, coating mixes, sauces, soy sauce, marinades, malt, malt
flavoring, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, modified food starch, pasta,
croutons, stuffings, some herbal teas, broth, self-basting poultry and
imitation bacon and seafood."
Trevor sent the following:

I have a condition known as Celiac Sprue.  I need foods that are
GLUTEN-FREE.  I have reactions to, and cannot eat foods containing:
Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats and Malt, this includes flour, bread crumbs,
gravies and sauces that are made using these grains.  Modified food
starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and soy sauce may be derived from
these grains and must be avoided.  My food should not have contact
with nor be contaminated by any of the grains listed on the other side
of this card.

Corn, rice and potato products are okay.

Thank you for your consideration of my special diet.
Lindsay sent one for her child:

Medically Restricted Diet:
Our child has celiac disease and is on a medically restricted diet.
He cannot consume any product that contains even a trace of wheat,
rye, barley, oats or their derivatives such as malt or some vinegars.
I appreciate your and the chef's help in selecting menu items that are
safe for him to eat.

Meat without marinades or sauces, plain fruits and vegetables are good
choices.  Eggs cooked in a clean pan, rice, potato, corn and soy
products are safe.

Another area of concern is cross-contamination on cooking surfaces
such as the grill, fryer or knife between gluten and non-gluten items.

I appreciate your efforts to allow us to make informed menu choices.
Sophia sent this one:

Please take this card to the chef.

I am allergic to wheat, flour, rye, oats and barley.  If what I have
ordered has any of these can it be made without it.  If not what do
you suggest?
Six others suggested I write to CSA and two said I could find it in
"Against the Grain."

Thank you all. This is exactly what I needed. I appreciate all your