<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Following is a quote of the short paragraph by David that seems to have
spawned a host of posts disagreeing and arguing that it "isn't true."

"There is very little information on safe doses and unsafe
doses of "gluten". 10 milligrams per day appears to be an
agreed safe level for all or nearly all coeliacs."

And my post that attempted to explain the difference between an "agreed
upon same level" and fact or trupth.

What we have is a "failure to communicate." Once more, neither David nor I
said this was true, nor that that amount was safe. He simply reported that
there seemed to be some agreement to that figure. I was trying to point out
the difference, to those who cannot read critically, between there "being
some agreement" and something being a fact or a truth. After all, there was
once wide-spread agreement that the world was flat :) That didn't make it true.

Still, 10 mg is an infinitesimal amount. If you think about the small size
of a 1000 mg vit c pill, which is probably mostly filler -- then you
calculate one one hundredth of that size, then take about a fourth of that
to get rid of the filler, you have a very tiny amount left; almost any
exposure, even a small shake of soy sauce, or inhaling (sorry Bill Clinton
:) in a bakery, might have that much gluten in it. So certainly neither of
us offered any rationale for knowingly accepting any known amount of
gluten. Just that if your accidents are no larger than that, some people
*think it may be safe.  When I wrote the explanatory post, I just couldn't
imagine that anyone on the list would read it and say to herself: Hey,
Bubba, I checked that cherry tart out and it only has 8 mg of gluten in it;
so what the hell, it's probably safe. Let's glom it down. We'll just eat it
"till we need glasses" :) [for those who remember that old junior high joke]

And in the immortal words of (was it our own Jesse James who wrote this):
To you sourpusses, try to smile more :) -vance

Sorry if I didn't give credit to the right poster for that quote. It
deserves due credit.