<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Y'All!

Here's my story and question.

I was diagnosed with CD about 25 years ago, when I was 2 years old. I had
two biopsies done - without beeing sedated...and my memories are not very

During my childhood in Germany I was on an as strict as possible diet (at
that time it was very difficult to get gf stuff)under my parents'
supervision. But then, in my later teenage years I started cheating at
birthday parties etc. (since my parents were not around). I did not
experience any problems and so I kept going. I am GF for the most part, but
when we eat out, I cheat quite often. Still without obvious problems. So I
never really thought about consequences. When I came to the States amlost 4
years ago, I was amazed about the variery of GF products and became a little
more aware, but still cheated.

Now my husband and I are thinking very seriously about having a baby.
Something made me wonder a week ago about pregnancy an CD. I subscribed to
this list and read a lot about it in the archives. And I actually had an
appointment with a gastroenterologist in our area who luckily specializes in
CD. She recommended to have the whole line of blood work done and also a
biopsie before we start "trying" to see, at what stage the damage is. At
first it sounded logical, but the more I think about it, the more I question
it. This doctor I saw is unfortunately not on our insurance plan. We did not
mind paying for the consultation out of our own pockets, but we certainly
don't want to pay for the tests. So now I have to go to another
gastroenterologist on my plan for another office visit and after that we can
schedule the biopsie etc. That's if this doctor and the insurance agree. The
earliest appt. I was able to get is 9-21 and after that we will be out of
town for 2 weeks. So I am guessing, that I cannot have the tests done before
the middle of October. I was told that until I have the tests done, I should
not go totally GF, but maintain my eating habits for now. Now does anybody
know why this might be? I am thinking I should start the healing process as
soon as possible and maybe then, in a couple of months, have a biopsie to
determine where I stand. It's not that I need a diagnosis, I know that I
have CD. In my case it's just a matter of evaluating the damage in order to
see, how much healing needs to be done before I am ready to conceive. I
think I finally started to see that I have to be on a much stricter diet
than I have been over the last 10 years or so. I am ready to do it and now I
am told I can't! That's pretty frustrating, especially when I think that
each week that goes by without me being on the diet will postpone the

Has this happened to any of the other women?

The other question I have is about the biopsie. It may sound weird, but I
actually do remember the biopsies in my childhood. I rember the feeling in
my throte and also that I had a permanent x-ray screen above me so that the
doctors were able to see where the capsule was. Because of these memories I
am not looking forward to having this done. I have heard that most people
get sedated now. Was that the case for most of you? Did you have any
problems once it was over?

Have a great long weekend everyone,

Kerstin from Atlanta