All other things being equal, would it be more beneficial to home school a
vaccine damaged child?

My son is on the paleo diet and spends a lot of time sitting in school. (not
very paleo)

Naturally, all around him are snorting in all kinds of junk food....

It occurred to me that it may be more beneficial to home school him and take
him on long outings where he gets lots of sunshine and gentle
exercise......walks around the zoo for several hours might be better for him
than sitting all day?

Not to mention the classrooms are all "remodelled" and filled with toxic
fumes of all kinds, plus the amount of pesticide spraying they do at schools
would amaze most people.

Would not sun, fresh air, walking, etc help to restore a child with an
autoimmune disorder?

It just does not seem very paleo to sit in a stuffy class all day.

Recess is short and limited, like 10 minutes in the AM, the other recess
they have turned into a junk food "snack recess" where the kids haul out
their sugar...


ps I'm a credentialed teacher anyway.