My Mom and Dad did what they could in the 60's and 70's, but back then
the schools in the district we were in weren't accessible, so they had
to transport me out of state.  My parents did the best they could, which
was better than what the dr. told them to do. The Dr. told them to put
me in an institution, that I would be a vegetable. I was in Peapack, New
Jersey in a school for all the 60's, then I went to Jamestown, North
Dakots to a school.

I didn't like it, but what choice did we have?

Betty Alfred wrote:
> I went to a doctor a number of years ago, and in a moment of idle
> conversation we just happened to get on the topic of CP. He casually
> mentioned that "CP is ALWAYS accompanied by mental retardation."  Well you
> know, back then I still thought that doctors knew everything.  I sat there
> flabbergasted, and didn't know how to tell him how wrong he was.  Needless to
> say, that was the last time I went to that guy, but in retrospect I heartily
> wish I had confronted him.
> Betty