I ditched the protein shakes a long time ago...I discovered that they were
quenching the release of human growth hormone and actually stalling my
progress.  I now eat lots and lots of red meat (some fish) and leafy green
vegetables.  My strength gains and conditioning have never been better.

Which brings up an interesting question.  I no longer like the taste of
chicken or pork...and it sometimes makes me feel sick.  Is it because of
hormones?  Only 20% of the red meat that I eat is grass fed so I don't think
it has anything to do with being grain fed.


On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 23:49:37 EDT, "Anna L. Abrante" <[log in to unmask]>

for you paleo
body builder types out there...what do you use for the classic
protein shake kinda thing...I have almond milk, but what would
I use as a powdered protein source?..I tried egg white powder
once, nearly gagged on the sulfur smell, like rotten eggs...
and I've read that the cholesterol in the eggs oxidizes when
in powder form, making it worse for you than the egg itself.
Does this apply to the egg white?,,,there's no cholesterol in
the white is there?

....or do you just take nutrients in the form of food and forget
the shake thing?  I will miss the convenience.

Anna 8,-(