>From: Met History <[log in to unmask]>
>8.  Air views were terrific, but road atlases are poor for such uses - is
>there an "aerial atlas" of the US specifically for air passengers?
>Sign me,  Lewis N. Clark

wow... what a great idea!
anybody out there know if something like this exists?
I had a similar thought on a flight to New Mexico... my
daughter asked about ground features
and I knew or could guess in general what they were
(from my air photo analysis days)
but did not have specific info

topos or recreation atlases would be a good bet, but they
are so large scale that at speed, you'd be flying across
several in the space of a few minutes...
sounds like a job for a laptop mapping program  ;)

I'd do it in a heartbeat, but

sign me,
(always the entrepreneur at heart, just no resources  ;) )

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