<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>I think there is on other aspect of Ayn's post that we have been
>neglecting. She had the biopsy for celiac disease, and it came back
>negative. I am also in this situation. It really does make it harder on
>our friends and family, because there is no 'proof' that this is what we

Hear hear!

I, too, am on the fence  ... my villi were bent at 90-degree angles, but
not *flattened*  ... my bloodwork came back 'borderline' but I'd been
unintentionally GF for 10 days ... but if I eat gluten, I get all the gastric
issues, followed by seizures.

Soooooo .. my parents have been wonderfully supportive. My sister,
who runs a support group for celiac children, is quite certain that I am
just finding another reason to get attention [her claim about my seizures.]
You'd think she'd be thrilled that the seizures/attention are gone  ...
but instead I get eyeball-rolling, snorting, and general disbelief.
[that and breadcrumb-stuffed mushroom caps at thanksgiving  ... <snort>]

After that  .... I'll confess ... I simply didn't tell anyone else the
nitty gritty of my testing/biopsy crud ... I simply said what is
true:  my doctor diagnosed me with celiac. Since so many
people put faith in doctors [maybe not this bunch, but general
non-doctor going civilians], the nanosecond you admit that
the doctor is undecided, forget it, *you* are labeled.... And even
if your current doctor doesn't diagnose you  ... who is to know?
It is simply working with the available truth ... :)

Tracey in CT          GF lodging:  http://www.1-888-inn-seek.com/GFinns.htm