----- Original Message -----
From: alexs
> What have others tried for paleo-weaning?

Gray-Hawk (my 4 yr old) weaned himself at about one year and ate almost
nothing but pemmican for about a year after that.  He drank diluted fruit
juice and teathed on pork rinds during this time but could be persuaded to
eat only a little plant food such as mashed vegetables or fruit.  He still
brings pemmican to nursery school every day .  As he is considered very
gifted both mentally and physically his teachers are very indulgent to our
dietary request and have carefully explained to his classmates that what
looks like mud is really very special food.  They are also understanding of
the fact that he never naps and prefers to spend that time quietly reading
picture books.

All of the toddlers in his day care who tried pemmican loved it!  The only
seasoning I use is dried cherries.  My wife also takes it to the office
every day so I have to make a new batch weekly.  That I do this is a
testament as to how easy it is!

Ray Audette
Author "NeanderThin"