>This eye thing is so interesting......stuff deleted..... I haven't had any
problems at all since LC or Paleo.  (About 8 months).  Curious
>Suzanne in NY

Hi, Suzanne.  My 9 y/o standard poodle, Maggie, has been paleo since
November.  Up until then I had fed her the best kibble I could find - a lamb
and rice mix with no preservatives but Vit. E and lots of veggies, but she
always got eye goop in the corners of her eyes.  It was her way of
detoxifying although I didn't know it at the time.

As soon as she went paleo, her eyes became and remained perfectly clear.
Not once has she had any matter in her eyes.  I've learned a lot watching
how a paleo diet affects my dog and cat - they are calm, slim, muscular and
no longer turning grey.  It's great to watch their progress because I think
it is similar to what happens to humans who go paleo, just much faster.
