I ahve also been feeding my dogs raw food, mostly
chicken backs/necks, and veggies 3X a week run through
the food processor since they lack cellulase to digest
the cell walls.  From what I have been able to find,
the acid in a dogs stomach is much stronger than ours
(can't remember the exact %).  This helps to destroy
some bacteria.  Also, like someone else mentioned, in
the wild, they would bury their meal and eat it later
(aged meat, hehe).  My dogs are thriving on this diet.
 One, who I could not get to lose weight, no matter
how little I fed him, has lost 12 pounds since eating
BARF (bones and raw food or biologically appropriate
raw food).  They will eat whenever it is given to
them, but then they always did that.  Teeth/breath are
100% improved, coats are shinier and softer, and they
have more energy.
In fact, feeding them that way is what led me to
Paleo.  They were eating better than I.
If anyone is thinking of feeding their pet this way, I
would also recommend that you read one of the books
that were already mentioned. (Give Your Dog a Bone by
Billinghurst - available online; or the Kymythy
Schultze book (title escapes me right now).

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