Hello Woman right fighters and supporters:
I stand for what all Great Imam Fatty said. I might be the only one to speak
for Imam Fatty. But that does not mean that  I am against woman rights or I
hate those who are against the Issue. Not at all, because I don't think man
can easily succeed on this earth without the woman on one side or the other.
Therefore the required freedom of the woman is a very good thing to every

I am sure that you will agree with me that it's the responsibility of any
Muslim to do what you are suppose to do in your short period of life time. I
mean it's the responsibility of parents to make sure their children know
about Islam. It's the responsibility of even a friend to inform his or her
friend how ever little he knows about Islam. Therefore It's the
responsibility of Imam Fatty to share his Islamic knowledge with every
Gambian fellow Muslim as an Islamic leader.No matter what the consequences
might be. Because if any of the above mentioned parties fail to do so, he
will account for it in the hereafter. So Imam Fatty has the full right to
speak out on this issue.

Fellows! it's not easy to agree that taking pills and stuff like that is an
act of prostitution encouragement. But technically I think it is. Think
about this. If a girl has a pack of all kinds of pills in her bag, how
strong is she going to be if she decides not to do one of the most
prohibited act by Islamic law? That is premature sex. Let us be honest and
base all our thoughts religiously. At first those small bags on their
solders use to contain their lips sticks and other kinds of make ups. But
now a days if you check those bags one at a time, you will find a Condom in
more than one of them. So girls keeping those kind of things with them, what
does that mean? Again let be honest and base all thoughts religiously. Then
if a  religious leader speaks against this act,is he not great and loyal?

On the issues of what he said to other fellow muslims, Again it's really
offensive,but again think about this. If you are someone who has a very good
Islamic knowledge like my great Imam Fatty, and you happened to realize that
some of your fellow muslims take bribes to speak against Islam. How are you
going to describe those fellow muslims, especially when giving lectures.
Think about it.

Brothers and sister I am  pretty much sure that my great Imam Fatty knows
very well that it is over too late to make a stop to these acts. but trust
me, he is doing all that he is supposed to do as someone with such a
knowledge. Because  if he dose not, as I said earlier he will account for
it, for not doing so in hereafter.So on that note I personally recommend him
as my greatest Imam as from today. Matter of fact if anyone may know how to
contact him, please help me. Well I guess Imam's issue is enough for now.
In conclusion, I  would like to let everyone know that I am very sorry if I
might offend anybody. I don't mean to do so. I wish everyone a good day and
may God bless us all.


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