>For the record, I regard the idea that diet alone -- *any* diet
>-- can bring about excellent physical fitness without exercise as
>utter rubbish.  I would need to see a *lot* more evidence beyond
>Stefansson's comments before I would believe this.  And I rather
>doubt that the Inuit that he observed led sedentary lives.
>Todd Moody
>[log in to unmask]

I agree with the need for balancing diet with exercise. Even on a high-carb
diet, I was able to lessen the effects with regular exercise. I find that a
sedentary lifestyle slows one's metabolism and "backs up" everything. I
liked the comment I saw somewhere on the Paleo Web site (or maybe it was on
this list, can't remember) about imitating "paleo" exercise by doing a lot
of walking carrying heavy objects. I have gotten into racewalking with
weights, which follows that idea, and find it very (physically) rewarding.

Now if I could just stop eating junk food...

Laura (getting there, slowly)

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