After starting Paleo ending my 'vegetarian period' I have gained back quite
a few pounds of muscle (no fat)  without excessive exercises.
My typical exercise routine is:
- long walks daily (at least I try to);
- 30 min in a gym once a week (short but intense);
- some swimming (twice a month).

At the beginning I was too weak to exercise at all. Now I would probably
survive 5 times a week gym regime but Paleo eating woke up my laziness so I
simply don't exercise too much but I'm quite active anyway. So by your
doctor definition the Paleo diet is 'too much' for me but I feel great and I
don't get fat or have any other signs of overloading my body.

>From: Cecilia Moen <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [P-F] Refuting paleo
>Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 14:55:45 +0200
>I discussed this diet with my daughters "allergy doctor" (for lack of
>a better word, but he is not a regular doctor). Anyway he has studied
>many diets for many years and felt that this diet was not suitable for
>most Westerners unless they spent considerable amount of time
>outdoors, in all weathers. He meant that this diet would be "too much"
>for the average couch-potato... What do you all think of this? Do any
>of you do no exercise at all and feel good anyway?
>Cecilia in Sweden

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