I have a gluten free/nondairy recipe for a jelly roll if you would like it.
 I also have found other interesting recipes on the net that I could E-mail

Vicky Lynn Olsen
Home Economist
Pete's County Market
Alexandria, MN

-----Original Message-----
From:   EngJrnTchr [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Tuesday, August 10, 1999 9:18 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        More ideas needed

I have been writing emergency protocols,
information sheets, preparing forms etc. to send
my child to kindergarten.  Thus far the school has
been very cooperative.  My husband and I are
meeting on Monday with all the teachers,
counselor, activity teachers, bus driver, etc. to
educate them about Elizabeth's needs.

Following that meeting I would like to send
something to the school to thank the staff for
their cooperation.  I want to do something that
will make them remember her and our willingness to
do all we can to help them get adjusted to this

Do you have any ideas??????  Anything besides the
usual balloons, flowers, etc.  My only idea is
taking a tray of NON-Dairy goodies to the
teacher's workroom with a big thank you note.  Any
thoughts on recipes??

Thanks for your help and ideas :)