
Following is a poem written by a friend of mine. It is really meaningful. I
liked and I guess so would you.



Essence of life....

Not so long ago four wise men
Were in the midst of an altercation
What is the essence of life?
Trying they were, to answer this question

What is the essence of life?
"Money" argued the rich man
Without money on this earth
You, my friend, have no worth

What is the essence of life?
"Knowledge" argued the intelligent man
A man should have an intelligent brain
Only then pride and respect can he attain

What is the essence of life?
"Courage" argued the brave man
Not money, not knowledge can save
A man who is not brave

What is the essence of life?
"Looks" argued the handsome man
What good does intelligence do?
If the world does not turn around and look at you?

The argument seemed endless until
Walking along they saw an old man
The wise men thought to themselves
If anyone can help us, he can

After hearing them the old man smiled
He took them to a grave
"There lies my friend," he said
Who was neither intelligent nor brave

Good looking he was not called by any
When he died, he died without a penny
His life was spent in suffering and pain
He did not cry, he did not complain

He always had a smile on his face
Of his sadness, he never left a trace
He made others smile and laugh with him
Though he himself was crying within

That, my brothers, is the essence of life
Happiness can be defined only by you
Living for self, everyone can do
Living for others is possible only for few

There is no greater virtue in this world
Than that of rectitude and humanity
You define only one relationship in life
The relationship of friendship and amity

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