<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>Will you please switch me to the weekly version?

In case some of our subscribers are confused by this post, I am
answering it to the List.

1. Questions about your subscription should never be posted to the
membership of the List. The best address for contacting the Listowners
is the -REQUEST address at the Listserve. In this case, administrative
message should be sent to: [log in to unmask]

2. We do not have a technique for sending out messages each week. The
general methods of reading List messages are:

A. Individual messages. As each message is posted, you obtain a copy.

B. Digest. Individual messages are collect until about 400 lines are
available and than they are sent to DIGEST subscribers. We average about
two digests per day.

C. Searches. Some people like to scan messages by date range through an
interactive search from our WWW site: http://www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/

D.  If you are going to be away from the List, the NOMAIL command stops
your mail for a few days.

The commands for changing to a different mail method are available at our
WWW site: http://www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/

Michael Jones  [log in to unmask]  Orlando, FL USA
One of the Celiac,  Cel-Kids, & Celiac-Diabetes  Listowners