<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

    My first time on the site.  So be patient with me!  I was diagnosed with
CD as a child and am now 35.  My Mother was told to put me on a GF diet and
the older I got I could have bread as tolerated I have done this since 3rd
grade never been really been well. (no wonder)!

    I had a baby at 19 y/o he was 4lb skinny but healthy.  I have since had 8
miscarriages and 8 years of infertility no known cause, Every doctor said CD
could not be related even though I grilled them about it over and over.

    I happen on this site and thanks to someone who posted an article from a
Dr. Murray I linked to Medline and armed myself with info on CD and
infertility and WOW!   I cried for days feeling I wasted so many years the
answer was right there starring me in the face. Even though I went on to
adopt 3 beautiful children from China, I feel so angry about being so
uneducated by Doctors some being GI Doctors.  I have since found a good GI
doctor but he has no clue about the effects of CD and pregnancy.

    I would like to know if any one out there has been through a similar
situation, and if a GF diet and Invetro fertilization with extra zinc, folate
and iron could possibly work?  I have 2 tries through my insurance and I'm
not getting any younger!

    Any advice is welcome.

Barb Potts  [log in to unmask]