<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I wrote earlier that the woman said she had patients hold some of the
substance under their tongue while testing sensitivity. I got that wrong:
she said she had them "hold the substance" while she tested the arm
strength. Someone else had told me her chiropractor had done the former,
and I assumed wrong.

I might add that this woman had never heard of celiac, and had never
treated a celiac, but she was more than ready to "try." She said she had
"plenty of good advice available to her."

I believe it is entirely possible, perhaps likely, that such a treatment
could stop the reactions to gluten (as a placebo effect if nothing else),
but not stop the damage to the gut. After awhile this would cause all sorts
of serious problems. I doubt she had any idea of the danger with what she
was willing to "try." -vance