<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All--

Guess this is my day for questions...I've been researching gf vitamins -
especially liquid, but some tablet or capsule - and have not come across
any that contain zinc. Before going gf while still trying to get a
handle on what was making me ill, an immunologist told me to take a
multivitamin with at least 20 mg of zinc. I did, and from the time I
started taking it and the time I stopped when I learned it wasn't gf, I
didn't get sick so often and actually felt pretty good (other than the
gastrointestinal stuff). Now that I'm gf, it's looking as though I will
have to have a vitamin compounded for me in order to get the zinc in
that quantity. I can't afford to buy my vitamins individually to get
zinc separately, unless someone knows of a brand I haven't found yet.

Also, for the more scientific souls on the list, is there a list of
vitamins and amounts a gf person should take? There are a number of
opinions on how much of one vitamin or mineral or another we should get,
but is there any hard evidence on the actual daily amounts we need?

I know I'm not eating properly due to time constraints on cooking, so
this is a very big issue for me. One of my pharmacies that specializes
in compounding said they would compound one for me, but they would need
to know how much of which vitamins I want in the compound. Other than
the 20 mg of zinc, I don't know what is reasonable for celiacs.

Thanks so much for any information anyone can provide....Ayn.