<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you all for all your ideas and remedies.  They have been helpful
in seeking an answer to my Cramping problems.  Doctors are looking into
avenues that we did not research thanks to your help.  Here are the
possible causes suggested by fellow list members:
1.  Low Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium levels.  Those have been checked
and are OK.
2.  Low B 12 Level. This is being  checked out now.
3.  Reaction to antibiotics.  Ruled this one out not on any.
4.  Reaction to shellfish.  Ruled this one out haven't had any.
5. Check hemoglobin levels could be anemic.  Ruled out
6.  Need to cut out another food such as soy.  I hope not, will try this
7.  An ammonia build up from the liver not working properly.
8.  Rhematiod Arthritis, Factor is Positive and this can affect muscles,
nerves, as well as joints.  Hope not. Further research in progress.

These remedies were suggested:
1.  Quinine
2.  Taking an amino acid pill for the ammonia buildup
3.  A homeopathic remedy called VERATRUM ALB 30C
4.  Hot Towels applied to the area
5.  Hot Soak in the tub
6.  Put about 1/2  tsp. salt under the tongue to dissolve.

Doctors are currently:
1. Checking B 12 levels
2. A muscle enzyme test
3. Looking for specific signs of Rhematiod Arthritis with MRI
4.  Increased my Klonopin.

Thanks for all the help and I am sorry it took me so long to summarize.

Cecilia, TX, USA