hello! i am pt and as you asked, i will try to translate some
definition on cerebral palsy...i am sure i am not the best here and i also
speak spanish better than english,but i want to help!
"CP is the result of a dammage in brain development, non progresive, and
that begun during early age. The motor injury shows us abnormal patterns of
movements in association with abnormal postural behavior. Karel Bobath " The
motor deficit in patients with cerebral palsy"the spastic society books,
i think you can also find more information in these web pages:
united cerebral palsy discovery project www.ucpdallas.org/discover.htm
and,please look for Beth Thiers web page..its the best information about
Cerebral palsy and others!!!
thanks! annie

- ----Original Message-----
De: Adrienne Lee Duris <[log in to unmask]>
Para: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Fecha: Sábado 17 de Julio de 1999 11:50
Asunto: Language Development and Cerbral Palsy

>Dear Listmembers:
>     I am currently writing a term paper for a graduate school school
>class on language development and cerebral palsy.  I have found a great
>deal of information, but I am still lacking some information on the
>a definition on cerebral palsy, preferably from UCP or a medical
>definition, but in laypersons terms.
>recent journal articles on the subject.
>Any information would be greatly appreciated.
>On another note, are there any OI/VI(orthopedically/visually impaired
>Teachers on this list. I am getting my masters in
> that and would love to correspond with teachers in that field.
>Thank you again!!
>Adrienne L. Duris
>Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
>DeKalb County Schools