Asalaamu alaikum Momodou Jabang,

Thank you very much for the answer to my question.I am quite content with
the fact that Bilal was married.

My earlier impression was he never got married  because of his race.He has
on many occasions raise the issue of marriage but was always put down
because no-one was willing to be his spouse.

Consequently, he did get married but at a very late age and infact not with
an Arab but someone of his kind(race).These were the explanations I was
given on the marital status of Bilal.I was very confused especially if these
things indeed happened during the time of our prophet(SAW).

You wrote:
>With that brief introduction about the noble companion who received glad
>tidings of Paradise from his beloved Prophet (SAW), who preferred his call
>to prayer (adhan) over everyone elses, I confirm to you that indeed, Bilal
>was married to a woman from one of the noblest families of Quraish. His
>brother-in-law was Abdurahman bin 'Auf ( one of the ten companions who was
>given glad tidings of Paradise in this life- Ashra mubaashiraat).
>Abdurahman (RA) was also one of the wealthiest companions of the Prophet

Your above statement has really help to clear all doubts about Bilal's
marital status.

Best regards,

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