Check into your points more crictically and see what you are talking about!
We all know that there were"griots" who were not allowed to marry  "nobles"
because of our traditional meanings of our social status! What social
chacteristics determines that? How does one become a griot, blacksmith,
cobla etc in our society?

Infact I dont really mean that, its justificable and rigth for any kind of a
"class" settings in our society !
This is what I mean! like your comment-" there are griots in the Gambia in
the  who have a better social status than you". Our attitutes towards each
other ,thats what definds all these manings and complications in our
society. We are all the same brother , no one is higher than the other.

Freedom Saikss, for those under that social injustice and presure!

Yahya (Yeks)

>From: saiks samateh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [Re: BILAL/yeks drame]
>Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:11:29 PDT
>Hi Yeks,
>The social status of people in the Gambia is not determind by their birth
>relationship,it is their class character.Their are geriots in the Gambia
>have a better social status than you have,so your that point does not hold
>For Freedom
>I did not mean to cause you or make you upset. I was just trying to put to
>your attention that Islam is not a racist religion, and inorder to justify
>that was simple reason why I gave referece to the Quran. However I had
>noticed that you have not seen my point.
>Certainly, I am not claiming of any kind of vast knowledge of the Quran but
>to my understanding it has answers to wether Islam can be
>racist religion or not .No one has been "brainwashed", Islam is a reliogion
>of equality and brothrehood ! one human race! what the arabs think of Bilal
>has nothing to do with Islam ! thats their attitude towards others who look
>diferent from them.
>Bilals social status ? why that question ? what of my brother in the Gambia
>being a griot, cobla, blacksmith etc and did not have the same social
>as the noble ? Tell me that they are not all of the same creed, colour,
>country of origin, or religion !
>Islam  has nothing to do with Bilal's social problem , you can even see the
>same problem in our own society, so why beating the bush about Bilal?   IS
> >From: peter sanyang <[log in to unmask]>
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> ><[log in to unmask]>
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: BILAL/yeks drame
> >Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 04:25:11 PDT
> >
> >Thankz Mr. drame for ur kind offer but i don't need any Quran at this
> >moment
> >hence i have one of my own. Nonetheless, expressing my views critically
> >does
> >not in anyway or form signifies my religious standpoint. The Quran is
> >and i uphold that believing too but i still don't think that it expresses
> >all my doubts as u happen to imply in ur response. If by chance u had a
> >better understanding on the marital status of Bilal why don't u simply
> >us hence the question at hand were;
> >1.Was Bilal ever married and if so with whom?
> >2.Did he had any offsprings?
> >3.Or did he died as a bachelor?
> >
> >I think with ur vast knowledge of the Quran u should be in a position to
> >shed a better understanding on the matter. I, on the other hand, will
> >ur advise and do some little bit more Quranic readings to help me
> >understand/clarify my doubts since u did not provide me with any except
> >branding me as a non-muslim in my quest of knowledge.
> >
> >Also, I did not make any misleading or unfound theories about Islam or
> >anybody per se. What i tried to do was simply express my understanding as
> >to
> >Bilal's social status among those RACIST people whom I can attest have
> >never
> >completely accepted Bilal as an EQUAL due his SKIN COLOR!!!!!! However,
> >since it seems that u know all the nitty gritty of Islam than i do, I am
> >then hereby appealing to u to TEACH ME!!!!!
> >
> >kittos
> >Peter
> >
> >
> >>From: yeks drame <[log in to unmask]>
> >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >><[log in to unmask]>
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>Subject: Re: BILAL
> >>Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 13:15:16 PDT
> >>
> >>Peter,
> >>
> >>If you are  non Muslim which I guess you are, try and find out more
> >>Islam before making such misleading and unfound theories.
> >>
> >>Can you please tell me which religious book in the face of the earth
> >>except
> >>the holly Quran that has a solution to the question you are raising?
> >>the Quran brother and I promise, any thing that you want to know you
> >>find the answer there!!!!!  Islam is the only solution to your problems
> >>Find your self a Quran,  if you cant let me just have your adress I can
> >>send
> >>you one with English text, translation and comentary, Just drop a
> >>
> >>However, if you still want to go on with this debate you are most
> >>
> >>yahya
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>From: peter sanyang <[log in to unmask]>
> >>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >>><[log in to unmask]>
> >>>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>>Subject: Re: BILAL
> >>>Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 04:01:37 PDT
> >>>
> >>>To my understanding, Bilal was married at a very late age due to the
> >>>evidential degree of RACISM by his so called master (mohamed) and co.
> >>>fellow actually has requested/expressed the desire of marriage on
> >>>occasions only to be told to wait simply because HE WAS BLACK and the
> >>>potential candidates were ARAB or whatever u may wish to call them.
> >>>
> >>>This however indicates the reluctancy or the level of segregation Islam
> >>>condones towards inter-racial marriages. Bilal was an obedient and
> >>>servant to his masters or should I indicate that he was literally a
> >>>AND STILL we are constantly brainwashed that ALL MUSLIMS ARE BROTHERS
> >>>EQUAL, what a contradiction. Or is it that Islam then and Islam now
> >>>different values and connotations????
> >>>
> >>>On a personal note, can any of our G-l prophets tell me why THERE HAS
> >>>NEVER
> >>>PURE,
> >>>humbly understood from my basic quranic studies, these men (prophets)
> >>>were
> >>>sent to vicious and satanic communities/generations who were barbaric
> >>>uncultured as was evident during the time of Islam's inception.
> >>>
> >>>Finally, i would like  to state that these are just my view and is not
> >>>intended to provoke anybody but would simply like to attain a better
> >>>understanding as to why such hypocrisy existed towards Bilal.
> >>>Islam/christianity to me was not meant for Africa hence god has never
> >>>sent
> >>>us any messengers since we were too good for their services. Both these
> >>>ideological wagons of confusion and retardation were simply instruments
> >>>which facilitate both the white man and the Arab with their trade and
> >>>exploitations. What good did both religions had on us? If u will ask
> >>>i
> >>>did say NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >>>
> >>>Kittos
> >>>Peter
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>From: Alieu Bah <[log in to unmask]>
> >>>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >>>><[log in to unmask]>
> >>>>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>>>Subject: BILAL
> >>>>Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 04:30:12 PDT
> >>>>
> >>>>Hi folks!
> >>>>
> >>>>Could anyone tell me what was the marital status of BILAL (peace of
> >>>>Allah
> >>>>be
> >>>>upon him)?Was he ever married and if so with whom?At what age?Did he
> >>>>any
> >>>>offsprings?Or did he died as a bachelor?
> >>>>
> >>>>We had a heated debate about this issue.I welcome any comments
> >>>>especially
> >>>>from my learned friends in the -L.
> >>>>
> >>>>Regards,
> >>>>Alieu
> >>>>
> >>>>
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