<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all you nice people who wished me well. I had several people also
remind me that even if the tests turn out negative, that  shouldn't consider
that the final word and I should seriously consider giving GF a shot, which I
think I will do (yikes!). Even if GF doesn't "cure" me, even if it helps like
50% with the horrid fatigue and gas, then it would be well worth it in my
opinion, and anyone in my life who gives me a hassle about it ("You wacko
just eat like a normal person.") can just kiss my irish .... ahem.

So TODAY I had my endoscopy and then colonoscopy. All went pretty well. The
staff at UCSF is superb. I felt so incredibly well taken care of, different
then past doctor experiences. I was sedated, and then they wheeled me into
the procedure room. On my way in I shouted "I'm ready for my nosejob!"
because I think I remember reading that this is what Madonna said when they
were wheeling her in to deliver her baby Lourdes and for some reason it stuck
in my head and just popped out. I know I'm weird.

So anyway, they put the thingee over my mouth and down went the tube. I
swallowed with some difficulty and gagged somewhat, and the really nice nurse
kept rubbing my shoulder saying "it's just a little gas coming up."

Then they pulled it out and came at me from behind, which I hardly felt at
all. I kept asking tons of questions and wouldn't shut up ("whats that? Is
what I see on the screen the biopsy sample being cut off?"...) but then I
fell asleep and woke up in the recovery room.

They took a bunch of samples, including 2 from my endoscopy. Based on his
visual inspection during the scopes, the only abnormality that he saw was
"mild gastritis" in the small intestine. I'm still not sure what that means,
but Doc Watts did say he felt it was insignificant. It's amazing to me how
many little "insignificant" findings I have on medical tests that seem to
have no connection to my symptoms - yet I still have symptoms.

So now its a waiting game. I was instructed to set up a follow-up visit for
three weeks from now. Anyway, my tummy and throat is a little upset tonight
from the endoscopy but at least I can eat food!

I am PRAYING TO GOD that *something*, *anything* shows up on the pathologists
report. PLEASE GOD ANYTHING! I can't handle another inconclusive medical test!
I'm also trying to get my biopsies sent to Dr. Gary Gray at Stanford U
because he's apparently really in the know about Celiac, and he offered (over
the phone) to look at them because he said many times pathologists read them

Ok so NOW for the questions;

1. Anyone know how long it takes for labs to process this stuff? He's
checking the biopsies for inflammation, bacteria, heliobacter, celiac and who
knows what else. Does anyone out there know what is routine for gi biopsy

2. What is the deal with biopsy samples? i.e. how are they stored and
processed, and is it possible to have them shuffled off from one lab to
another? How long is a sample "good" for before it is unreadable?

