<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello List,

If you recall a few weeks ago asking what you thought about being lactose
intolerate. And if my symptom of constant heartburn had anything to do with
it. I got many replies which I was forever grateful. I did see my
gastroentrologist yesterday. I have to start thinking that what can be wrong
can be more than one thing. Not every reaction I have is necessarily caused
from Celiac.

Well anyway, she is sure I have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease which
several of you mentioned. She is almost sure I am also lactose intolerant
which almost all of you mentioned. She has given me Zantac to take and more
diet restrictions. I'm cutting out lactose for two weeks to see if that is
causeing the bloating, gas and some diahrrea. And I'm also on a no fat diet
as well. Being overweight, loosing a few pounds will only benefit me. Looks
like I'm down to fruit and veggies and lean meat.

Thought I would let you know and if you have any tips on cooking with so
many restrictions, I'll take them. Recipes also. Thanks for you unending

Sheryl Tingley
Auburn, WA

        "Friendship is a sheltering tree"  ;)