<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All--

Thanks to all who responded to my question re: hypoglycemia and its
possible relationship to CD. I must have received 50 replies - each one
just a tad different from all the others, but for the most part, they
all fell into two categories - 1)  low carbs, higher protein and fat,
and frequent feedings (or "grazing," as I call it), and 2) other

1) Low carbs and a diet higher in protein and fat, which take the body
longer to break down. Eat foods with a low glycemic index, such as green
veggies, cooked or raw, peanut butter, eggs, cheese. Some of you fared
well with fruit and others didn't, so you may need to determine what's
best for you on this issue. Many of you suggested the above, and eating
small amounts every two to three hours. And the obvious, stay away from
refined sugar.

2) The other suggestions included trying L-Glutamine, which is an amino
acid and doesn't add calories. One person was on a paleo diet, which is
absent of grains, dairy, beans or starchy vegetables. The paleo diet
would be difficult for celiacs, so judge for yourself. One person
suggested Genisoy Protein mixed with grapefruit or other juice.

Thanks again to all who responded. It appeared hypoglycemia is not
necessarily a part of being celiac, though it may become more evident as
the gut heals and absorbs more easily.

Hope this helps those of you who wrote with the same problem - eating
frequently can be a problem for some who work in restrictive
environments. Long ago, even before my hypoglycemia became such a
challenge, and when working in a job that would not allow me to eat at
my desk, I would tell people I had diabetes - seems people understand a
diabetic's need to eat properly more than those who have low blood sugar
- suddenly it was okay to eat at my desk. Go figure....
