On 4 Jun 99, at 22:36, Anwar Alshingiti wrote:

> During my on-line sessions , and when I am at idle , doing nothing , my
> modem shows a large volume od download for extende periods of time, seems
> like I was beeing hacked into ,
> Is there any software that'll allow me to see where all that data is going ?

  There are several programs that can provide you with a bit more control
over the connections between your machine and the net.  [My own favourite is
called "AtGuard Personal Firewall"; I seem to be recommending it a lot
lately.  There are several other products in the Win 95/98 "personal machine
security" market, roughly $20-60.  There are also some free tools for dealing
with specific kinds of attack, but at this point you don't know what's going
on, so they may not help.]
  The downside is that these products, pretty good at providing you with
additional capability to *control* the connections, are limited in their
ability to explain what is happening so you can make *informed* decisions
about what to allow and what to block.  So they're not "magic bullets"; to
get much benefit out of them, you're going to need to learn some stuff about
networking, and that could take a little while.

  That said, the sooner you install something that can at least *show* you
what's happening, the sooner you'll begin to have an idea what to allow and
what to block.

David G

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