At 12:35 AM 6/5/99 -0600, you wrote:
>        I'm looking to upgrade my processor on my motherboard and I have a
>couple of options in overdrives. Don't really want to upgrade the
>motherboard because of the limited number of expansion slots on most of the
>newer boards. I have a total of 9 with them all filled.
>    I have found that I have available an overdrive that is a 233MMX or I
>can get one that is 333MHZ. I don't do any games or graphics intensive
>programs. Most of the computor use is word processing, data entry, I use
>Office 97 Pro, financial and some number crunching. I do spend anywhere
>between 25-30 hours a week actively on the internet. I also don't do alot of

With the above use, I'm wondering why you want to upgrade your processor.
You have not said what speed you currently have and what problem you are
trying to solve by upgrading your processor.  You might be better off
spending your money on a different upgrade that you have not considered.
Tell us more about your system - operating system, memory, modem, cards
used etc.

>    My question deals with whether the faster processor would be better or
>would one with the MMX technology perform better.
The processor with the higher speed probably also has MMX capability unless
it is an AMD or Cyrix.  In the case of the AMD, it probably has similar
capabilities so this should not be a consideration.

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