<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Good Morning Everyone!

I'm about to go off to have my biopsy this a.m., but went through a very
nasty experience earlier this week that I hope someone on the list can
explain or offer insight into. Thus far, none of my doctors have been
able to explain it adequately.

I came down with a sinus infection last Saturday and my family doctor
gave me Augmentin. I remembered having trouble with that antibiotic
years ago, but I was so miserable, I thought I could get through the
side affects for the short two weeks. On the third day, Monday, I
developed what my gastro was afraid was a bowel obstruction. I was home
on Tuesday and Wednesday, nothing was moving and I was so bloated and
distended, I couldn't hardly get out of a chair without help - not to
mention the pain. We got me past the problem, finally, but this was one
more incident in a long line of problems with antibiotics causing
similar symptoms. I don't exhibit the classic celiac symptom of
diarrhea, so my gastro has, in the past, attributed this particular
difficulty with antibiotics as my having an "overly sensitive bowel."
Have any of you who are diagnosed celiacs had this problem? Or do you
typically experience diarrhea?

Actually, we're running out of options to treat my sinus infections. I'm
getting allergy shots, which should help, eventually, but for now, I'm
allergic to the cephalasporins (sp?), can't take Augmentin, and am drug
resistant to zithromyacin and the newer drug, Levaquin.

Well, off I go for the big test. Any suggestions anyone can provide re:
my reaction to antibiotics would be greatly appreciated. Of course, I
know this just may be the way I react to antibiotics and have nothing at
all to do with celiac - though no one else I know has this type of
