Ken [However, most people who use alternative medicine believe all of them,
because alternative medicine is one of the ways that they define their
identity. ]

My identity has nothing to do with my faith in alternative medicine.  A lot of
people, myself included, turn to alternative medicine after the so-called
mainstream practitioners have let them down.  Try getting your food
intolerances or candida diagnosed by a GP!  However, I have a healthy
skepticism for all practitioners, whether mainstream or alternative. They do
not know everything.

Alternative is not bad, it's just different. The Paleolithic WOE/WOL is
alternative.  I could guarantee that not that many Dr.'s (mainstream or
otherwise) recommend it to their patients.  New ideas (or revisited old ideas
or practices from other cultures) take a while to be accepted, it doesn't
necessarily mean that these ideas are wrong.


Stephanie (UK)