<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

One of the list members sent me a note after reading my post.
I thought I'd better post it.  My apologies for posting a recipe
that wasn't completely gluten free.  I had thought that Campbell's
Lightly Tangle was gf, as I knew their regular V8 is.

I suggest using regular V8 if you decide to cook the pasta.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

For those who are interested the ingredients from my V8
Lightly Tangy 100% Vegetable juice are as follows:

Tomato juice from concentrate (water, tomato concentrate),
reconstituted vegetable juice blend (water and concentrated
juices of carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress,
spinach), salt, natural flavoring, beet concentrate, vitamin c
(ascorbic acid), citric acid and beta carotene.

I hadn't noticed the "natural flavoring" listed on the can when I
purchased it.

List Member Response to my Post

I just got a letter Saturday from Campbell's (re: V-8) and they state
that only their REGULAR V-8 is gluten free.

This was  a disappointment as I love the spicy v-8 but have had some
problems with it.

Sorry again people.