On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Don Wiss wrote:

> The great challenge for the Aborigine was to obtain enough dietary fat.
> They were close observers of nature and knew just when certain animals were
> at their fattest.

This does not imply, however, that theirs was a high-fat diet; it
implies only that fat was scarce.  The following comment from
Loren Cordain on the Paleodiet Symposium list is relevant:

        In her classic study of Australian Aborigines temporarily
        reverting to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, O'Dea (5)
        showed that animal foods contributed 64 % of the total
        energy (6).   The macronutrient breakdown was 54 %
        protein, 33% carbohydrate and 13% fat (6).

This is actually quite a low-fat diet.

Todd Moody
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