Hi Meir --  I'm Joan, 38, and single by choice.  I'm fairly certain that
my physical limitations are similar to yours, but don't have any advanced
understanding of the language.  I've learned a lot from this list.  I
didn't even know that CP was a DD or about "startle reflex" although I've
always been jumpy.  I just thought I was paranoid from having worked with
convicted felons for 15 years.

Hope to hear more from you.   JMW

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:15:19 -0400 Meir Weiss <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>just lurking for the immediate time
>in the middle of passover holiday
>i'm meir weiss
>i'm 37 single (not by choice)
>i am a hemi peresis right side mild affected hand and foot , had
>seizures as
>child came back for round two at 17 yrs  - present
>currently on tegretol  cr alls under control
>trying  self employment teaching internet to adults,
>can't think of any thing else to introduce myself at the moment
>more soon

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