>     Thanks for the advice, I have tried reinstalling the whole
>network setup, including all protocols and adapters, still
didn't work! :) I am at a loss, I have been considering just
reinstalling the whole thing, but I REALLY don't want to do that
for one little problem! :) Thanks anyways, TTYL

When you do the reinstalls, do you "back out" things like
When you reinstall do you "keep" any files that are newer,
or do you overwrite them?  I in THIS type of situation,
I would overwrite.
Sometimes doing stuff like this will go back and remove
some of the original "system" patches you "should" have
installed a long time ago...  Did you check the "update
information tool" lately? (Win95 only).
Do you know some of the earlier patchs would overwrite
things in a "stupid" way, and therefore MUST be installed
in a certain order?
I have never had to format, (knock on wood), but I have
had to "go back" and start patching/reinstalling at a
VERY basic level...
Which Win95 version do you have, and what "basic" level
is it? I am referring to the seven different "flavors"
of the Win95 program in RELEASED version "types" only.
Example: This computer is: Win95B(2.1 less USB)
Do you have a FULL version, or was it an upgrade?
See my question that relates to this.
"Win95 full version, reinstall?"
        Rick Glazier
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