Along the lines of two video cards...What about a TV tuner card and a
regular video card?  If you have a TV tuner card, do you need another
video card?

If you remember a few weeks ago, I asked about my Gateway 200 mhz
machine that went belly up and is now no longer covered by the warrany
(old age).  They told me it was the video card, tried to replace it with
cards worse than the original, none of which worked.  Now (from what I
gather here) the motherboard may be shot.  Just wondering if I could use
a TV tuner card instead of a standard video card, because I'm looking
for a way to use digital 8 movies and transfer them either to CD or back
to VCR.  (A caveat...I got a new Gateway because Dell said they didn't
have CD cutters in the machines I wanted...Now they have them.  RATS!
AND, Gateway put a cheapie STB tuner card that doesn't have VIDEO OUT
rather than paying a little more and putting in the good card.  For
obvious reasons, I will NOT be messing around with the cards in the new

Serving the SOULdier

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