It looks like the general consensus on this is that I will not be
able to run win3.1 on this computer. Other comments that were
made which included not using outdated software on the kids, Y2K
issues, software substitutes ect.

The biggest concern has nothing to do with y2k or outdated
software. Thanks on the info though. The kids have some very
basic familiarity with dos, and a deal more familiarity with win
3.1 and win 95. My concern is to allow a child the ability to
type a report while dad is using the computer to do work. (Or
allow two kids access at the same time.) Once they go thru the
thinking process required to get everything typed and in order it
only takes them 5 min to format and print the report out on the
good computer. This would be a temporary situation as a pentium
is planned for Christmas. Thus free is good.

Perhaps my question should have been phrased a little
differently. Given the following components...

286 modular bios ver 3.03 c Award Software
640k base memory
motherboard number PCC77AT05E Taiwan
40 meg harddrive
DOS ver 6.0

Is there a downloadable freeware program that can be used by my
kids to do basic word processing, that when saved can be ported
over to win 3.1 write or win 95 write?

I believe someone may have answered the following question.
However, I had a power failure while reading it and lost the
message. btw is there an archive of this list?

I have what I believe to be a memory card that would fit in the
unit. The card is two layers (one card piggybacked upon the
other) and contains 54 ic's (set in sockets) with the following
identification ...


It also has a bank(?) of 8 dip(?) switches. 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 are
on. 3, 5, and 6 are off. Sorry but the card has no other
identification visible.

When I install the card I get the following error...
memory parity error at 4000:FFFC found FF40 expected FFAA

Is this error because the switches are set incorrectly or because
the card is bad? Is this in fact a memory card?

Thank you for the info.

Dave Thuillier    Chief scripter & Master of the arcane web at
Dreamer's Den Game Shoppe  - Hillsboro, New Hampshire   mailto:[log in to unmask]

                         PCBUILD's List Owner's:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                        Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>