You asked for daily menus...

two days ago:
Bacon eggs for breakfast
frozen berries
Pork roast
1.5 lb salmon for dinner

yesterday: Sunday, a lazy at home day so ate a lot...
Bacon, eggs cooked in bacon grease.
Lots of strawberries
2 apples
some walnuts
about 2 pounds of beef
a banana (with a little chocolate surup on it, a banana split without
the dairy)
a HUGE salad. (lettuce, brocolli, celery, olive oil)
a tomato
frozen berries mix.  blueberry, strawberries, raspberries.
One little chocolate easter egg.
Ran 3.5 miles, 15 pushups

today: At work so tightly controlled eating.
scrambled eggs for breakfast
5 little chocolate easter eggs (secretaries desk bowl, OK, we're all
lunch: about 3/4 lb. beef
dinner: (planned) A hugh salad, beef, nuts, frozen berries
No excersize, rest a lot.