<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello to you all,

I am new to this list-server and I hope you will be tolerant with what are
probably ignorant questions. I also apologize in advance for the length and
lingual bluntness of this letter.

First and foremost, I thank the list-owners for the time and effort to
provide and maintain this list.

I am a 38 year old male and have cycled between diarrhea and constipation
(but mostly with diarrhea) for, oh, about 38 years.  As far back as I can
remember, I have had the following symptoms:

   -diarrhea followed by constipation, but mostly diarrhea
   -fatty stools that float rather than sink, sometimes looking rather "frothy"
   -stools often gray-ish in color
   -abdominal pain (at times debilitating)
   -excessive gas (constantly and continuously)
   -frequent bloating (I do a good "Sheriff Buford T. Justice" Impression)
   -migraines, but I could never isolate the actual causes
   -excessive gas (so bad it's worth mentioning twice)
   -what looks like psorrasis (sic) around the hairline and face that I am
       treating with hydrocrotisone and moisturizing lotion (it is helping)

Several times as a teenager, I was tested for appendicitis due to pain in
my lower right abdomen.  This always came back negative.  I just learned to
put up with the pain, gas and irregularity.

When I was 25, an internist told me that what I had was simple, a spastic
colon and that I should take fiber and have a high fiber diet, lots of
grains, metamucil, etc.  I have done that ever since. Daily doses of
simethecone and 8 beano tablets per day did not decrease the flatulence
very much, if at all, and the irregularity just continued to get worse.

Now, I had simply resigned myself to life with a spastic colon and that I
would have to put up with it. Then a miracle happened.  I went on a cyclic
ketogenic diet (CKD) to cut some bodyfat. If you are unfamiliar with the
diet, you consume as close to zero carbs as possible during the week to
drive your body to use ketones and thus lipids for fuel, then consume a
large amount of carbs on the weekend to drive glycogen into the muscles so
that you can lift weights effectively for the following week.

I expected that all of the fat in the lowcarb portion of the diet would
destroy my colon but I decided to try anyway.  When on lowcarb (carb intake
< 20 gram/day) and in ketosis, the gas went away and my stools became
firm!!!! The weekend carb-up's were particularly miserable, however, and
the gas, bloating and irregularity returned with a vengence.

It is clear to me, that removing carbohydrates in my diet removed some food
or combination of foods that I am interolerant to, and I can't imagine that
I am interolerant to *all* carbohydrates.  I eat cream and cheese when
"lowcarbing" without any problems, so I do not think I am lactose intolerant.

So, for now I am now lowcarbing, gas and pain free.  I have been reading
the literature on the web about gluten intolerance and Celiac disease.  My
symptoms lead me to think that I may have a gluten interolerance or Celia
or Coeliac (whichever is correct) but my training is engineering and math,
not medicine. So, my first question:  Does this seem a reasonable avenue to
pursue to you all or have I missed something obvious that I should be
considering first?

I have an MD appointment on March 26 and I certainly intend to discuss it
with him; but I find that knowing about my condition in advance (as much as
possible) is the best course of action.  Now my second question: Should I
begin eating an omnivore diet again so that I am gassed up first? The FAQ's
I read on Celiac detection say that you should have all symnptoms active to
detect it???  Is this correct?

While I fear I may have a gluten problem, I am hoping it is something less
sinister.  A life without pizza, pasta, scotch or beer sounds bleak indeed.
 In any event, I very much would like to thank you for any advice or
guidance you can offer me.

All my best,


James Alpigini
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Penn State University, Penn State Great Valley
30 E. Swedesford Rd., Malvern, Pa 19355
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  Phone: 610-648-3357 Fax: 610-889-1334