<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In response to my posting about a negative result for a
blood test for CD there was an overwhelmingly large and
consistent message that such a report is statistically
compatible with actually having CD...there had to have been
75 messages to this effect, the most common being that a
"positive" result is generally reliable, but a "negative"
result is accurate (for not having CD) in between 50-75%.
Most replies urged me to continue a GF diet pending the
results of endoscopic inspection and biopsy, which - thank
you all - I have scheduled for Friday of this week.  Lastly,
I am urged to confirm my physician's awareness of these
parameters of CD testing, and perhaps even get a second
opinion from a gastroenterologist.  I again thank everyone
who was kind enought to take the time to write to me.  Bob
Ritchie, MA