<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

hello group. i'm sort of embarassed to be returning to you for assistance,
since i seem to have difficulty logging on to the group at all. makes the
posting of summaries difficult to impossible!

but if this gets through to you, then maybe i still have a chance with you!

my doctor has been trying to medically determine whether or not i have gluten
intolerance and has run a number of tests (blood, stool, .  .  .  ).  since i
haven't knowingly ingested any gluten for 5-6 months, he's having some
trouble getting any evidence.  he says it must not be gluten intolerance
since i still am having trouble with weight loss and loose stools.  so he's
sending me to a gastroenterologist next week.

i believe that there are several things affecting my complete return to
health.  i am under an incredible amount of stress (ugly divorce happening
here) so am not eating often enough, and that with my heightened sensitivity,
there may be other things my body no longer likes.

i want to see what happens when the divorce is done and i have the peace to
start to prepare food properly, then see what else my body doesn't like (go
back on the elimination diet).

short of eating gluten again (i would almost do it just so the doc can verify
what i have discovered through trial and error) but gluten also makes my
brain chemistry go haywire (very anxious, irritiable, very depressed, most
hyperactive, unable to focus on any one thing for very long, etc.).  i cannot
do that to myself again.  the rest of my life has enough impact without
adding to the confusion.

thanks for listening to my tale.  this group has been so helpful (i'm piling
up some recipes for the day i am no longer living like a vagabond and have my
own kitchen to cook in!)  and so supportive of each other.  keep up the good
work, and let's hear from more of you health care professionals who may have
some light to share!


Joanna deFelice
Oregon Career Information System
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